
IllinoisEMThe state of Illinois adopted the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, which is a comprehensive approach to intrastate mutual aid. It provides an opportunity for entities who do not wish to participate to opt out.

Enacted: 2009

Compact Type: Codified

Compact Name: ILCS Ch. 20, ACT 3305, Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act

Opt in/Opt out: Opt out

Intrastate Mutual Aid Committee: No

Reimbursement/Payment: State, from the Disaster Relief Fund

Workers Comp: State, from the Disaster Relief Fund

Liability: Respective

Operational Command and Control: Split

Credentialing:  Yes

Time in Effect: Emergency Declaration

Home Rule or Dillon’s Rule:  Dillon’s Rule, except for municipalities individually granted Home Rule

Last updated: December 10, 2013 at 13:32 pm